gx8, outNaboutTJ LaMannaApril 10, 2016041016, GX8, Fashion Island, O_2016_01 Fashion Island gx8, outNaboutTJ LaMannaApril 10, 2016041016, GX8, Fashion Island, O_2016_01
gx8, outNaboutTJ LaMannaFebruary 27, 2016022716, GX8, Fashion Island, Coffee, O_2016_01 Fashion Island Starbucks gx8, outNaboutTJ LaMannaFebruary 27, 2016022716, GX8, Fashion Island, Coffee, O_2016_01
x100, outNaboutTJ LaMannaNovember 29, 2015112915, x100, The Cannery, Fashion Island, O_2015_01 The Cannery x100, outNaboutTJ LaMannaNovember 29, 2015112915, x100, The Cannery, Fashion Island, O_2015_01